
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Carla Stier Carla Stier

Free From Fear, Anxiety, & Manipulators


Today I decree and declare I am free, who the Son sets free is free indeed. I declare separation from every spirit not aligned with the Holy Spirit. I am breaking soul ties with every unclean spirit, controllers, manipulators, and toxic people. I repent from my participation in all unhealthy toxic relationships. I repent from all sin knowingly and unknowingly I committed in these toxic relationships. I am no longer intimidated, manipulated, or fearful. I embrace the truth that I am who God says I am. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7). I walk in confidence, joy, and clarity, free from anxiety, fear, and confusion. I stand firm in my identity, rooted in God's word. I declare my allegiance to the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, casting aside all that hinders my spiritual journey. In Jesus name Amen

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Free From Soul Ties & Toxic Relationships


Today I decree and declare I have the mind of Christ and I am stepping into all God has promised His children. I am liberated from the grasp of the Jezebel spirit and those who are bound By The Jezebel spirit. I am no longer under the control and manipulation of unsafe people. I declare my freedom from toxic relationships, breaking every soul tie in the powerful name of Jesus. I am aligned with strength, courage, and divine protection. I am surrounded by positivity and love. I am resilient, standing firm against negativity. I am empowered to walk a path of healing and growth. I am filled with the light of truth, dispelling darkness. I am free from fear in Jesus name amen

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Free From Narcissistic Abuse


Today I decree and declare I am grateful for the journey of life, embracing each moment with joy and surrendering my worries and fear to the Lord. I am strong, finding strength in His love. I Kings 19, just as Elijah found refuge in the wilderness. I am resilient, trusting that even in moments of despair, God's plan unfolds beautifully. I am not alone, for He is my refuge and strength. I am filled with gratitude, for every challenge is an opportunity to grow closer to Him. I am a beacon of joy, shining His light in every circumstance. In surrender, I find peace, knowing He guides my path. In Jesus name.


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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Free From Your Narcissist


Today I decree and declare I am a joyful warrior, according to Ephesians 6:11 and 12 I am adorned with the whole armor of God. I am empowered to stand against the schemes of the devil. I am not wrestling against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces, armed with faith as my shield. I am wrapped in righteousness, my heart secure. I am the embodiment of God's truth, my foundation unwavering. My feet are ready with the gospel of peace, stepping boldly into each divine moment. I am equipped with the sword of the Spirit, declaring His word with authority. I am a vessel, surrendering all to the Lord, knowing His strength is perfected in my weakness. I am victorious, in Jesus name.


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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Free To Love Me


Today I declare I am who the word of God says I am. I have the mind of Christ. I walk in joy and positivity despite my circumstances. I am embracing the wisdom of Matthew 19:19 to love my neighbor as myself. I am on a journey of self-love, finding peace in my past, relishing in the present, and eagerly anticipating the person I am becoming. I am committed to giving to myself—nourishing my mind, soul, and body. I am equally devoted to giving love to others as I am learning the power to forgive, not only others, but also myself. In this journey, I walk in peace, within myself, others, and the Lord. Setting proper boundaries for myself first, then others. I surrender everything to the Lord, trusting in His plan for my life. Knowing He desires what is best for me. In Jesus name,


Carla Ann

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Focused & Fasting

Today I decree and declare my mind is stayed on the Lord. I am strong, resilient, and full of purpose. Today, I declare victory over challenges, embracing the power within me. I am a beacon of positivity, radiating joy and light to those around me. In the realm of fasting, I am disciplined, finding strength in the journey towards spiritual nourishment. "I am strengthened by fasting, renewing my spirit like the eagle's." (Psalm 103:5, AMP) As I fast, I am reminded that it is not just a physical act but a profound connection with my Father and my faith. "I am seeking God's face diligently, knowing that in fasting, I draw closer to Him." (Daniel 9:3, AMP) In this sacred practice, "I am delighting in the Lord, finding joy in His presence, and gaining clarity through fasting." (Isaiah 58:14, AMP) As I declare these truths, I am grateful for the transformative power from the Holy Spirit as I am fasting, embracing the joy it brings to my soul. Today, I am victorious, and with every moment of fasting, I am drawing closer to my higher purpose. In Jesus name, Amen!

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Today I declare and decree my mind is surrendered to the Lord. According to Romans 8:28 I declare I am reappointing my disappointments. James 4:7 reassures me if I submit myself to the Lord and resist the devil, He will flee from me. Lies from the enemy, negative mindsets, and self-limiting belief systems are continually dismantled from my mind. I am convinced that my past, present, or future mistakes, failures, or circumstances do not define the full scope of my future. Lamentations 3:22- 28 remind me that the Lord's mercies are new every morning, and in Him, I find unwavering hope. As Romans 8:28 assures me, I am confident that all things, even trials or my short comings, work together for my good. In this truth, I boldly declare, "I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me." No circumstance can overpower the love and purpose God has for me. I am not alone; the Lord is on my side. Therefore, as Romans 8:31 declares and I joyfully declare, "If God is for me, who can be against me?" In the face of challenges, I stand firm, knowing that His love and power will lead me to triumph as I become more like Christ in my mind, attitude, and motives of my heart. In Jesus name. Amen!

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Today I declare and decree I have a transformed mind according to 2 Timothy 1:7 which says God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind !

I have the mind of Christ operating on the inside of me. I am empowered to do all opportunities and challenges I face daily, I am not shackled by fear.

I am a vessel of joy, casting away anxious thoughts, for the Lord has equipped me with a resilient spirit. I declare I am renewed daily, my mind aligning with Christ's.

Past experiences fade in the light of His truth; I am not defined by them. I claim the mind of Christ as my own, a mind of wisdom, peace, and understanding. With each breath, I rejoice, embracing the abundant life He designed for me. In Jesus name, Amen!

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024

Declare your best year ever!

It starts today, It starts with YOU!

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Carla Stier Carla Stier

Defeating the Effects of Isolation

Learning tools to walk in self-acceptance, self-love, and self-expression results in self-actualization. Expressing our unique God given identities allows us the freedom to be a gift to ourselves first and those around us. When we live confidently and fulfilled, we draw healthy relationships to us.

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