Defeating the Effects of Isolation

Defeating the effects of isolation

Are you experiencing isolation?  Are you surrounded by people but feel alone? Do you enjoy your time alone?  Are you unfulfilled, lonely, or feel empty? Do you have the perception that everyone around you is happier than you? Do you feel stuck in your relationships, career, or hobbies?  What are you doing about it? It has been said that generation z is experiencing more depression and isolation than any other generation. Our generation is desperate to find connection.

We must learn to reach out and get our emotional, physical, and social needs met in fulfilling and healthy connections. We can live free and fight the feelings of inadequacy.  The illusions of perfection in social media have made many suffer quiet in silence. The pressures of censorship and the inability to actively participate in freedom of speech have added to the feelings of being silenced and isolated. We are bombarded with unclear and unreal information while being silenced with the slogan “does not meet community standards.” What community?

Do you want to rise and show your unique identity in a world that needs to embrace equality and diversity in the atmosphere of love?  Many are numb from scrolling and have not had fulfilling physical connectivity in a very long time.  Social media gives the illusion that we are fulfilled.   Do you struggle with your identity?  Do you know who you are and what you want out of life? And most importantly do you know how to obtain it?

Because of traumas, abusive surroundings, insecurities, lack of support and stability, this generation is seeking love, acceptance, and inclusion.  We were built for healthy relationships.  However, in our desperation for companionship, many have adopted ideologies that are against the principles of the word of God.  We have drifted further and further away from God and Godly principles to embrace a tangible fulfilling experience.  We ignore red flags and hope our intuition is wrong.  Our craving for companionship makes us vulnerable and instead of waiting for what is right, many times we embrace toxic, controlling, or simply unfulfilling relationships.

We do not make sound choices when we come into a relationship thirsty, hungry, and desperate.  We seek to fill the void.  We settle for unhealthy relationships to fulfil the need of touch.  Why do we settle for poor communication? Why do we settle for way less than we are worth?  Fear, we settle because our core belief is we don’t deserve better or what we deserve will never manifest in our lives.  We are fearful of being alone.  So, we justify the unhealthy and toxic relationship as being better than being alone.  We are afraid to wait. 

Learning tools to walk in self-acceptance, self-love, and self-expression results in self-actualization.  Expressing our unique God given identities allows us the freedom to be a gift to ourselves first and those around us.  When we live confidently and fulfilled, we draw healthy relationships to us.  A life with healthy inviting boundaries replaces the former walls of isolation.  Are you ready to choose to be guided and live a liberating life expressing the true you?

Guided Journey offers a bridge of hope through the ability to connect 1:1 with a nurse coach on an individual path and plan.  Together we will identify your areas of needed transformation and growth. 

You belong here.



Welcome, Who We Are


Saying Goodbye to Boundary Breakers